We value collaboration
At READO, we value collaboration and partnerships to achieve our mission of delivering crucial aid and fostering development in Somalia’s southwest region. We are proud to work alongside a diverse range of stakeholders committed to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable populations.
To support READO or make a donation, please contact:
Abdullahi Ali, Executive Director
Supporting READO: Our Donor Network
At READO, our impactful work is made possible through the generous contributions of our supporters. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donors and partners, both public and private, who enable us to reach vulnerable populations across Somalia.
Public Sector Partnership
Aligned with our commitment to the Grand Bargain, we encourage public sector donors to increase funding to our initiatives in Somalia, from both development and humanitarian budgets. Multi-year flexible funding ensures an efficient and effective response on the ground, supporting our mission to deliver crucial aid and foster sustainable development.
Private Sector Engagement
We offer various partnership opportunities for the private sector, including financial support, joint communication and advocacy, in-kind and technical support, and co-creation of innovative solutions. Your partnership enables us to expand our reach and impact in Somalia, creating lasting positive change for communities in need.
Multilateral Collaboration
READO collaborates closely with multilateral partners, including the United Nations system, the European Union, the African Union, and the World Bank/Global Partnership for Education. Together, we work at global, regional, and national levels to end siloed responses and enhance efficiency in addressing humanitarian challenges.
Civil Society Alliance
Civil society partners play a crucial role in advocating for education in emergencies and protracted crises. They are represented in READO’s governance structure and contribute significantly to our global advocacy efforts. Through their involvement, we ensure the delivery of education programs to crisis-affected children and adolescents.
Government Collaboration
READO collaborates with host governments and relevant partners to develop context-specific responses, focusing on reaching the most vulnerable and marginalized children and adolescents. Our programs align with national education sector plans to fulfill the right to education for all and advance Sustainable Development Goal 4.
Our Partners